miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

Inglés 4

Dear Students:

HOMEWORK: To be sent today (Wednesday 17th before 9:00pm)

You shall present it to me in a PDF  and a Word version, specifying exercise numbers and writing the full question and answer. In case of matching exercises, write the full sentence. In case it says "Groupwork" do it individually anyroad.
1)Exercise 1-5b page 89-91 from Student's Book. Present it as a text.
2)Exercise 3  page 96;from Student's Book. Every answer should contain at least 3 lines. 
3)Explain what is the text from page 97. Use no more than 5 lines.

All homeworks are to be made on time and checked at the beginning of the class together, this is your chance to ask any questions you might have and correct your mistakes. The format shall be as it follows:
Arial size 12, justified paragraphs and normal margins (2.5 cm upper and lower; 3cm left and right).
Do not forget to write your full name at the upper right corner of the first page.Please send them to my e-mail address: ricardo.pzry@gmail.com

Chaps! Do not forget your exposition for Friday 19th. Remember that the team should answer "Why did slavery become an abolished activity after it had been a common practice for such a long time?" You should investigate in order to have good arguments to support your team's opinion. Tomorrow before 8:00 pm you have to send me in a page the main points of your exposition. I'm not a fan of poster boards but if you want to make some, it's OK. Remember to use the grammar points from today.

Regarding your final project, hereby I present you a list of suggested topics so you can check what would you like to write about:
3)Death penalty
5)Atomic energy
6)Genetically modified foods (GM foods) 
If you wish to write about a different topic, please let me know before the 23rd, but you must have determined it. If it's viable you may proceed. 

Kind regards

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