martes, 7 de abril de 2015

English Homework and Project

Hey guys here´s the homework from monday and today, it also comes what the project is going to be about.

1. Movie Questions
2. 3 songs for the workshop
3. Brief information on William Bolitho, Thornton Wilder, T.S. Eliot 


1. Reflection on Video 200 words
2. Cyber Homework -
3. Read pgs 40-41


Imagine you´re beign selected to be Student President, what would you do to convince your classmates to pick you as President. Make a Persuasive Speech (minimun 2 pages long), what type of publicity would you use? Posters, brochures, t-shirts etc. 

You can make a Publicity video, or a Power Point Presentation

Be Creative!! 

Due date is on Wednesday April 15th

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